How to Limit the Disruptions of a New Roof Replacement

Commercial Roofing Materials

New roof replacements can go one of two ways, stressful or barely noticeable. To avoid stress that comes along with the disruptions of a new roof replacement you need to be aware of what those disruptions could be.

Common Disruptions of a New Roof Replacement

The most common concerns that deal with the disruptions of a new roof replacement mostly regard smell, cleanliness, noise, and access. The following is how we address those concerns.

Roofing methods like hot tar tend to have a strong odor that comes along with it. Alternatively, a mechanically attached PVC membrane roof has no use for hot tar.   This eliminates the possibility of strong odors.

Safety During Installation

Making sure the job site is safe where you have limited disruptions of a new roof replacement is our number one priority. The use of a PVC membrane eliminates the risk associated with hot tar. PVC membranes can often overlay other existing roofs while other systems do not. This means that we most likely don’t have to remove the previous roofing system and there won’t be as much debris that needs to be dealt with. Dumpsters will be put in place to help maintain the debris that comes along with new roof replacements. The disruptions of a new roof replacement will need to be made clear to building occupants since there may be areas that must be closed off or avoided to ensure safety.


Things to Remember

The key part to limiting the disruptions of a new roof replacement is communication with your roofer. Being aware of what is going on with your building helps you to understand the process of correcting the issues at hand. For example, any dust or debris residing under the ceiling or on exposed rafters would fall if it is loosened during the reroof. Keeping up with routine roof maintenance, you can avoid major issues that could cause the disruptions of a new roof replacement. If problems are ignored it could lead to damaged installation that makes the HVAC work harder, a leak that damages contents inside the building, or even health problems for your building’s occupants.

We understand that every reroof is unique to you and want to address all your concerns. Give us a call at 800-303-8392 to set up a free estimate.  We’ll go through all the possible disruptions of a new roof replacement you may face.