Nationwide Commercial and Residential Roofing Services

Licensed in All 48 Continental States | Residential Services in Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Florida, and Colorado

Commercial Roofing Services

Headquartered in Seymour, Indiana

We are headquartered in Seymour, Indiana with strategically located offices that serve our commercial roofing customers throughout the continental United States to those who have single locations or those who own or manage multiple facilities. We are licensed in all 48 continental states. To see our current list of state licensing and warranty information, click the button below.

Residential Roofing Service Areas

Expert Residential Roofing Services

Royalty has been installing residential roofing for homeowners for over 30 years, with multiple roofing service areas. Our local offices service the areas of Indiana, Western Ohio, Northern Kentucky, Florida’s gulf coast and Central Florida, Colorado Springs, and Denver.

royalty roofing residential service area - Indiana, Florida, Ohio, Kentucky

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