Common Commercial Roof Problems and How to Address Them

No commercial roof is exactly like another, but one thing a roof has in common with all others is that it will likely experience at least one common roof problem. So, it is important to be aware of what those problems are while knowing the best steps for resolving them.

Punctures and Holes

A sharp object could seriously damage a commercial roof by creating a puncture in the surface. Or the contracting and expanding that happens in roofing materials could cause gaps to develop. Clearly, it’s important to keep metal objects on the rooftop secure from winds, remove debris, and check potential problem areas after storms. Conduct regular professional inspections, and have repairs done promptly.

Leaks and Moisture

Punctures are obviously a source of leaks, but water can also penetrate through improperly terminated flashings, loose edge details and other areas. Humidity, standing water, precipitation and condensation can all lead to problems. Blisters and bubbles could be a sign that there is trapped moisture, which could come from condensation beneath the roof membrane or it could be penetrating from the outside via a leak. Make sure leaks are addressed and appropriate insulation and vapor barriers are in place.

Wind Damage

As winds swirl around a roof, it is not uncommon for damage to occur. That can include membrane coming unattached (especially around the perimeter) and other building components being separated from the roof. After high winds, make sure your professional roofing company inspects and then repairs any damage. Blisters and bubbles also make the roof more susceptible to damage from high winds, so take care of these issues quickly.

Clogged Drains

Depending on the type and structure of your commercial roof, there might be drains. And those can become clogged with leaves and other debris. Roofs that don’t drain properly after a rainstorm can fill up quickly and become a “bathtub,” leading to a lot of water weight and potential damage to your building structure. Quickly clean drains and scuppers out and keep them that way at all times.

Removing loose items from your rooftop and keeping drains clear can probably be handled by your staff. But you should maintain an ongoing contract with a qualified commercial roofing company that handle other inspections and more serious maintenance. Problems can and do arise, but when you properly address them, your roof can keep providing you with trusted protection over many years.

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