3 Common Commercial Roof Safety Hazards to Be Aware of

Professional roofing teams know just how many hazards can be lurking on the typical commercial roof. Since the roof is part of your business and property, you are responsible for the safety of your workers and anyone else on your roof. Here are some common roofing hazards you should be aware of and prepared for.


The primary risk on any commercial roof is the risk of falling. Roofs are high in the air, flat and may not have parapets around the perimeter. Because of this, your roof access should be restricted, and limited only to those who know what they are doing and belong there. It shouldn’t be surprising that a professional roofing team inspecting and caring for your roof is at a lower risk of falling than unskilled workers or your employees. Skilled roofers have the experience, know-how and equipment to be safe, while general repairmen or office employees do not.

Unauthorized Access

Employees using the roof in any unauthorized capacity puts your safety record at risk. From falls to encounters with tools and equipment to even weather-related issues, anyone on your roof could end up with an injury if they are not supposed to be there. Protect yourself and your team by restricting access and having clearly defined workplace policies that prohibit access for any reason other than official rooftop work or equipment (e.g., HVAC) maintenance.

Tool and Equipment Injuries

Equipment that is not secured could blow off a commercial roof or cause a safety hazard for anyone on the rooftop. And not only for people – objects in motion on the rooftop create a “risk” to the roof membrane. Ladders, heavy equipment or other tools that are not placed properly on walk or work pads – or left behind on the surface – are potential problems. These items can become projectiles, pose electrical hazards and increase the risk that anyone on your roof – even someone who is authorized to be there – could be harmed.

Protect your Business by Working with a Pro

A professional roofer has the safety know-how and equipment to ensure that any work performed on your roof is done so with compliance in mind. We invite you to check out Royalty’s safety record here.

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