3 Questions to Ask a Commercial Roofing Contractor You’re Considering

Your roof covers your entire facility and is one of your most important assets – and, ironically, one that no one thinks about until something goes wrong. It’s easy to make a snap decision in crisis mode but hiring a roofing company without checking the following details could turn small problems into even larger ones. Or a simple problem can become a business-stopping emergency. Here’s what to ask any roofing contractor you are considering entrusting with your roof, to help ensure a good installation.

What is your experience with commercial roofing? Collapse

Residential roofing experience is great, but the demands of a home roof installation are totally different from those of a commercial project. From the materials to the design to the installation itself, commercial roofs require different tools and expertise. A roofer who primarily does residential roofs won’t have what it takes to handle your commercial roof well. Ideally, the team you choose should have years of experience in the commercial roofing space. Not to mention…types of buildings vary when it comes to roofing (restaurants are different from warehouses).

What is your safety record? Expand Are you licensed and insured? Expand

Related to on-the-job safety is the contractor’s insurance situation. Anyone stepping on your roof is a potential liability, including the roofer’s crew, subcontractors, and your employees. Any contractor you are considering should have all licensing and insurance in place to protect your business and your facility. A roofer that cuts corners on these essentials could cut corners on your roofing project as well.

Get the peace of mind that comes from knowing your roof is in good hands. We have more than 30 years of experience and we work on commercial roofing projects every day. If you need to know your facility is in good hands and that you have a provider you can rely on, get in touch.

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