Flat Roof Drainage Systems- Keep your swimming pool at ground level
Flat roofs provide benefits in construction, but adequate drainage is needed to keep water from accumulating on the roof. There are a few options when it comes to choosing a drainage system including gutters, interior drains, and scuppers. One or a combination of these options will be the best fit for your roof type and help avoid ponding water.

Gutters are the most well-known drainage system for buildings with the purpose of diverting the water off the building and into a downspout. The downspout will lead the water away from the building. However, the downside to having gutters as the main flat roof drainage system is the constant maintenance needed. This is because the gutters can clog quickly and need to be cleaned regularly. If the maintenance is neglected, then the weight of materials clogged in the gutter will cause the gutters to pull away from the fascia.
Interior Drains
Interior drains are very common in large buildings since they are easily concealed. Located under the roof or in the parapet wall, this drainage system carries the water away from the buildings foundation without the pipes being seen. This allows for complete use of the roof meaning you can have more space to add things like solar panels. Having these pipes located internally also protects them from bursting, cracking, or freezing. The drainage begins at the center of the roof and has a filter to keep debris out of the pipes. An interior drainage system does need regular inspections to make sure everything is working properly as well.


Scuppers are a flat roof drainage system that have large openings on the outer walls along the roofline that allows water to flow from the side of the building. It can be installed with downspouts which will help control the direction of the water. To make sure the downspout does not become clogged, regular maintenance is required. Scuppers without a downspout have less of a chance of being clogged because of the large width. However, without a downspout the water can travel down the side of the building which can break down materials.
If you believe your drainage system is not working effectively, give Royalty a call at 800-303-8392. Remember, it is a good idea to get an inspection if you are unsure instead of waiting for an issue to arise. All you may need is a few minor repairs instead of a roof replacement.